
Role Models for Youth

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I was really disturbed by the layout of your Valley Newswatch column Feb. 4. The first item, headlined “Setting an Example,” announced that Tyree Wieder, president of Valley College, was selected Woman of the Year in the 40th Assembly District for her “extensive community service.” It said she would be honored by the State Assembly on March 16. But there was no photo of Wieder.

Below this item was a photo of rapper Stanley “Flesh-N-Bone” Howse and a story that he is avoiding jail time [after] allegedly beating up a neighbor over complaints of loud music. Coverage continued, with this story starting on the front of the Valley section.

There was no follow-up story on Wieder. Someone receiving such a distinguished honor deserved a story detailing her record of service.


Where is the The Times’ sense of responsibility and priorities, when a rapper who plea-bargained to stay out of jail has his photo printed on the front page, and yet a real-life female role model, an accomplished woman who has made positive changes in our community, does not rate having her picture printed at all, in fact, no mention other than a mere paragraph.

It’s no wonder young people are intrigued by rap artists and their antisocial attitudes when that is glorified by front-page news coverage. Whoever approved this Valley Newswatch column did a great disservice to your readership. They blew a good opportunity to send a powerful message about what makes a positive role model and what is really newsworthy. How disappointing!


North Hollywood
