
Project Managers

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Re “Panel Seeks Ouster of Street-Scape Managers,” Jan. 31.

You have carried [an article] detailing a vote by the North Hollywood Project Area Committee (PAC) to call for the removal of Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) project managers for North Hollywood, Lillian Burkenheim-Silver and Walter Beaumont. I find the PAC’s actions unfortunate.

I have had the opportunity to meet and work with Burkenheim-Silver and Beaumont on a number of occasions. I find both of them not only very professional, honest and fair, but profoundly dedicated to this community. Both are excellent and rare examples of the type of public servant Los Angeles should have.

Although at times I do not agree with the methods taken by the CRA and wish reform would take place to make the agency more businesslike, Burkenheim-Silver and Beaumont are two of their greatest assets.



North Hollywood
