
Winfrey Lawsuit

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Re “Judge Hobbles Cattlemen in Winfrey Beef Libel Suit,” Feb. 18:

Where’s the beef in the cattlemen’s “veggie libel” lawsuit against Oprah Winfrey over the “mad cow” disease scare? The veggie libel laws--of questionable constitutionality--were obviously intended to help protect the food industry from irrecoverable losses resulting from spoilage of perishable food before there is a chance to refute false charges that the food is unsafe. However, live cattle for market are not considered to be perishable. Meatpackers might have a beef, but not cattlemen.

Also, I have seen no allegation that the Oprah Winfrey TV show said anything about mad cow disease that was not true. Even shouting “fire” in a crowded theater is constitutionally protected speech--if it’s true.


Los Angeles
