
Voters Must Act on Assault Rifles

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The Dec. 18 murders at the Caltrans facility in Orange is another massacre easily made possible by the use of a military assault rifle, a rifle bought legally by an apparently normal individual who later went insane and wrought havoc.

How many killings of this type will it take to get these military rifles out of our communities? And when will the prevailing anti-gun-control paranoia cease?

Do we need 35 people killed at one time by one maniac as recently happened in Australia to get these weapons banned? Or are we so jaded that it would take a massacre of a hundred to get our attention?


It’s up to us voters to break the hold of the National Rifle Assn. on our cowardly politicians. We must vote the gun lovers out of office. It’s the only way to stop the killings.


Huntington Beach
