
County Commission Member Is Named

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A Chatsworth resident was named by Supervisor Mike Antonovich to the Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission.

Viggo Butler, a member of the Pepperdine University board and the Federal Aviation Administration Research and Development Committee, was officially appointed to a three-year commission term at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting Monday.

Butler and other panel members will make recommendations to county supervisors and department officials on efficiency and quality of service of county government.


“My endeavors are to help the organization improve how they operate, and that’s pretty much been my background,” said Butler, 55, who also served as president of Lockheed Air Terminal Inc. and vice president of Lockheed Corp.

“The company I ran, Lockheed Air Terminal, was a service-providing company, so my background was to look at government agencies and who their customer is.”

The commission was established in 1981 by Antonovich to improve the efficiency and productivity of government and make it more responsive to the needs of constituents.

Because of his background in business and his service to the community, Butler’s selection to the committee was an obvious one, said Cam Currier, press deputy to Antonovich.

“The people who are appointed to the commission are business people who are a lot more aware of how areas can be made more efficient,” Currier said.
