
City Council Sets Goals for New Year

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Although many goals set by city officials last year were accomplished, several are expected to be on the front burner again this year.

The City Council, which has an annual meeting to establish priorities and direction for the coming year, was expected to issue a new list of goals Monday night.

Children were the focus last year, with plans to evaluate programs for young people and establish more recreational activities. City officials said young people will continue to be in the spotlight in 1998.


In 1997, the council established a Blue Ribbon Youth Task Force, implemented new recreational programs and committed $42,000 for youth services.

Council members said Monday that these activities would not have been viable a few years ago, when the council had much less money to spend.

Now, they said, a healthier General Fund will enable the city to better serve its young people.


Also reappearing on the goals list this year is a decision on the location of a large sports park in the city.

The council had identified a lot on Lindero Canyon Road as the future site of basketball courts, baseball diamonds and roller-hockey rinks. But many nearby residents balked at having all of that in their backyards.

City officials said one of last year’s goals that is expected to have a higher priority in 1998 is identifying potential sites for a permanent City Hall and library facility.


One new goal expected to make the 1998 list was brought to the forefront in November’s City Council campaign: exploring ways to bring a full-service medical center, including an emergency room, to the area.
