
New Laws

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Reading through the selected list of California laws set to take effect on Jan. 1, I was struck more by the absurdity of some than by the sense that people, property and the environment might be better served or protected. In some instances enacted legislation read as if it had been scripted by Leno or Letterman comedy writers: Audiologists can now legally remove ear wax; individuals may legally kill endangered species; San Joaquin soil was legislated as the official state dirt, to name a few.

Perhaps the height of craziness may be found in the law increasing the fine from $104 to $270 for drivers that run a red light. This law makes the penalty for a life-threatening action commensurate with violating the carpool lane passenger minimum ($271), and does not come close to the penalty for littering ($1,000). Based on the number of carpool lane violators I observe and amount of litter strewn about, I don’t think this new law will be a more effective deterrent to running red lights. (Besides, how often do you see a cop when a situation most warrants one?)


San Clemente
