
Lawn Signs Urge Councilman to Oppose Project

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To publicize opposition to a proposed development in Westwood Village--and to attempt to sway City Councilman Mike Feuer’s favorable opinion of the project--a property owners association this week distributed lawn signs reading “Feuer: Stop Smedra.”

The lawn signs refer to developer Ira Smedra, whose Village Center Westwood project would bring new shops, restaurants and movie theaters into the center of the village.

Sandy Brown, co-president of the Holmby-Westwood Property Owners Assn., said a few hundred signs were distributed at the group’s annual meeting Tuesday.


But by Thursday afternoon, all the signs erected on Weyburn Avenue had been pulled out of the ground, said Steve Moritz, a Weyburn resident who had placed a sign in his yard. Moritz said he did not know who had removed the signs, although he suspected it was an act of vandalism.

Regarding the lawn signs, Feuer said, “The fact that people in and around Westwood Village care so much about the future of their community is a very, very positive thing.”

But, he said, “The view I’ve come to on this project is one I don’t expect to change.”
