
Lawsuit Over Mascots

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Re “Suite Targets Schools’ Ban on Indian Mascots,” Jan.8

In response to the boosters who are suing the schools, I say, “Get a life!” If American Indians donot want to be your mascots, leave them alone. Pick an animal or something else. The money being spent on lawyers and frivolous lawsuits should be spent on tutoring programs, textbooks or helping low-income students. How about donating money to the Native American Rights Fund?



I pity Eugene Herrod (of) Advocates for American Indian Children for his lack of inspiration, knowledge of his own people and poverty of expression when he says, “It’s hard to explain to a young child why we (American Indians) are singled out for a mascot?

Why doesn’t Herrod tell the children about the unyielding fighting spirit, the courage against impossible odds and the image of the noble and brave Indian warrior that resonates throughout the world and makes the American Indian a grand candidate for a fighting mascot?



Toluca Lake
