
Gov. Pete Wilson

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Re “Wilson Urges Rebuilding of Public Facilities,” Jan. 8: Gov. Pete Wilson’s cynicism is beyond belief. Following in the ignoble tradition of his predecessor, George Deukmejian, Wilson has spent almost two terms as governor ignoring education and state infrastructure at the expense of building prisons, bashing teachers, politicizing the UC system and embracing every wedge issue available to further his political aims.

Now that he is being forced out of office by term limits, he wants to be the “education governor” and return to his empty talk of “caring conservatism” from the beginning of his first term. Governor, if you are looking for causes for California’s fall from leadership on so many issues, start with a look in the mirror. Only one year left, then good riddance.


Los Angeles

* Wilson deserves to step up and take a bow. Since his first day in office, he has been vilified as a tightfisted, coldhearted curmudgeon. But now, after several years of painful sacrifice, his strict fiscal discipline is finally paying off. While politicians such as the president have repeatedly relied on pork-barrel programs to curry favor with voters, Wilson has fought to force a contentious and profligate state Legislature to live within its limited means. That is precisely the type of courageous leadership we needed during one of the most crippling recessions in California history.



Pacific Palisades
