
Kenneth Starr

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Re “At the Crossroads, It’s Decision Time for Starr,” July 13:

You state, “Starr is unworried about his abysmal poll numbers.” Unfortunately, how true. Whatever was the focus of this investigation when it began, it has dwindled into finding out details regarding who slept with President Clinton.

I’m certain you’re aware that few people care. Most openly voice the opinion that it’s Hillary and Bill’s business, not ours. And joke about bedroom activities being the security problem of the 1990s, certainly not the fun they were when Kennedy ruled Camelot.

What is our business in funding this circus? What makes your comment about Starr being unworried so frustrating is he’s got a great budget and a gaggle of representatives and senators standing up for him. Well, this is just to let those people in Congress know that perhaps they should be worried. After all, it is the 1990s and obviously those guys don’t know how to balance a budget, not with what they’re giving Starr’s office daily! I’ve decided that next time there’s an election, all incumbents are guilty of keeping Starr funded. That means they have no idea how to spend my tax dollars. And I can’t afford to pay their salaries and Starr’s.



Van Nuys


Because of his unparalleled tenacity, we should declare Starr a national treasure to satisfy his ego; then we should give him something worthwhile and constructive to do, such as eradicate racism, bigotry or poverty.


Los Angeles


Keith Tavel (letter, July 10) says it is obvious the letters attacking Starr are generated “by the powerful Clinton spin machine.” Obvious to whom? Perhaps his venom blinds him to the fact that millions of Americans admire Clinton and his significant accomplishments, while at the same time viewing the Starr inquisition as a prurient, salacious fishing expedition into people’s private lives under the cover of “perjury” and “obstruction of justice.” Come on, give me a break. We’re in real trouble when the day comes that sex is a crime, but then in the eyes of some bluenoses, I suppose it is.


