
Hernandez Recall Petition Drive Fails to Meet Deadline

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Supporters of an effort to recall Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Hernandez failed to collect enough signatures needed by a Thursday deadline, city officials said.

The recall attempt was the second one launched after the councilman was arrested last summer on a felony cocaine charge. Hernandez, who has admitted addictions to alcohol and cocaine, was placed in a court-ordered drug diversion program and is attending regular recovery meetings.

Recall organizers could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Hernandez, who has said he took the recall effort seriously, hired a campaign consultant and had been raising money in the event the group was successful. He has said he would prevail over any attempts to force him out of office.


Steve Afriat, Hernandez’s political consultant, said the demise of the recall effort was “an acknowledgment on the part of the residents of the 1st Council District that Mike Hernandez is doing an excellent job of representing his district.”

“The voters are respectful and are giving him the opportunity to finish out his term,” Afriat said.
