
Sport-Utilities Are Big Polluters Too

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Deadly crashes are not the only danger posed by sport-utility vehicles; polluted air is another. A regulatory loophole permits sport-utility vehicles and other light trucks to emit up to 2.5 times more smog-forming pollutants than passenger cars, because we have categorized light trucks as work vehicles. But the vast majority of these vehicles are now driven for private purposes, empty of cargo.

More than 90% of Californians breathe polluted air every day. Lung cancer, asthma, allergies, bronchitis, premature aging, emphysema and other respiratory and cardiovascular diseases have been tied to air pollution, as have conditions like nausea, headaches, eye irritation and dizziness in otherwise healthy adults.

Everyone can support cleaning this deadly mixture. The California Air Resources Board is proposing a requirement that light trucks meet the same standards as passenger cars, and will make a final decision on this proposal in November.


The Union of Concerned Scientists urges you to support this crucial effort that will help safeguard the health of millions of Californians.


Transportation Program Director

Union of Concerned Scientists

