
Is Dornan the Best GOP Can Offer?

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It is a sad commentary indeed that far-right voters in the 46th Congressional District could find no one other than Bob Dornan to carry their flag into the November election.

Dornan handily dispatched two other very qualified candidates by showering his district with misleading mailings about two qualified candidates and his threats to run as a write-in if he lost. Voters know how Dornan redefined the term sore loser in 1996 by accusing Catholic nuns and all Hispanics of vote fraud.

So a term-limit “supporter” seeks an 11th term. Dornan will surely amuse us once more as he attempts to convince constituents that his Virginia mansion doesn’t put him out of touch with the problems of his district he ignored while in Congress.


While 10,000 far-right voters chose Dornan this time, I call on the 46th voters to reject his message of hatred in November and, one more time, show him the door.




I am overjoyed that Bob Dornan won the Republican primary, and hopefully will go on to win the general election in November.

Over the past year and a half the liberal Democrats in Congress have irresponsibly referred to the investigation into voter fraud in the 46th District as a witch hunt, fishing expedition and a sad event.


The real sad event is the lack of outrage from all citizens, especially members of Congress. It is obvious that there was an overwhelming amount of voter fraud in the 1996 46th District election.

Although a lot of the media coverage was biased in favor of Loretta Sanchez, The Times remained fair and balanced.

It is vital that Congress pass legislation mandating presentation of a photo ID and valid Social Security number before voting. Is that too much to ask to ensure the validity of our elections?


I hope that in the future we will have more representatives in Congress like Dornan, and that no legally registered U.S. citizen’s vote is ever canceled out by that of an illegally registered noncitizen.


Dedham, Mass.


One big question is whether the GOP will now get behind Dornan in order to regain this seat for the Republican Party or whether they’ll stiff him again as they pursue their Latino pandering strategy that is apparently calculated to put George W. Bush into the White House in 2000.

Another question is whether Dornan himself understands that his votes are coming from Reagan (May God Ever Smile Upon Him) Republicans, grass-roots activists, illegal immigration foes, Buchananites and others whom the GOP elites are trying to isolate and encapsulate over in a distant dark corner where their hard lines on various issues won’t interfere with the fawning pandering of the elites.

The grass-roots voters, all those on the right that the GOP is trying to isolate, have shown time and again that they follow politics very closely and they listen to every single word uttered by a politician they support.

Any politician who wants this group has to understand that they’ll turn on him in the blink of an eye if he “disses” them. Go ask George Bush Sr. and Bob Dole/Jack Kemp about this.


Costa Mesa
