
Gay Pride

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I really must take umbrage with anyone who seems to insist that all gays are involved in some sort of moral decadence (Ventura County Letters, June 7). Every spur of society has its problem elements and the gay community is no different than any of the rest of us in that respect.

When my wife contracted breast cancer, two of our very dearest friends stood by and supported us during a most difficult period of time. It makes me “puddle up” just thinking about how they both took turns sitting with me at the hospital, praying with me that my wife would come through a most devastating operation.

Through thick and thin, they have always been there, and I know that any time or any place, I’ll be there for them.


Yes, these two wonderful people are lesbians but I choose to call them the dearest of friends. Isn’t it a shame, I can’t reveal their names?

I would hope the good reverend would remember the phrase, “Judge me not until you have walked in my shoes.”

