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Last year, on the Fourth of July, I took my family to watch the fireworks show in San Fernando. Being of Native American / Mexican descent and proud Americans, we were dressed in red, white and blue and carried American flags. I was apalled at the amount of Mexican flags being displayed, and the amount of derogatory remarks we received for being of Hispanic descent and displaying the red, white and blue.

What was even more apalling is what I experienced [June 2]. I showed up at my polling site, with a display of American flags that couldn’t be missed driving down the street. When I went to the check-in table, I was asked for my name in Spanish. Correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I checked, Mission Hills was still in the good ol’ U.S.A. I had to ask for someone who spoke English. After that ordeal, I was even more convinced that “yes” on Proposition 227 was the only way to go.

JOE BODLE, Mission Hills
