
As Ugly as It Gets

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Writer Julie Bawden Davis should be informed that posting “eye-catching signs within a one-mile radius” of a garage sale site (“Cash in Your Clutter,” May 24) is not only irresponsible but illegal as well, under state law and many municipal ordinances.

Drive through any Southland neighborhood on any day and you’re likely to see signs that were posted for sales held days, weeks and even months ago, cardboard signs tied up with string, plywood signs nailed to utility poles and living trees and gaudy eye-assaulting posters taped to street signs.

It is bad enough that people litter the neighborhood with these signs, but they take no responsibility to remove the blight once the event is over.


Davis failed to mention alternatives to selling unwanted clutter. Local churches and charities would welcome the donation of these items and would put the items or the proceeds from their sale to good use.


