
227 Protests

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I am writing in response to those who protest the passage of Prop. 227. People, the place to protest is not in the streets after the election, but in the ballot box on election day. Voting is the way to make your voices heard. If you are not a citizen, then become one. Unfortunately, for those of you under 18, you are going to have to wait until you reach legal age to vote.

I voted in favor of 227 for the fact that we need to remain one people united by a common language, rather than degenerate into an ethnic battleground a la Bosnia.




Evidently you consider it newsworthy that “500 Students March Against Prop. 227” (June 12), yet the photo that accompanies the article is “Police subdue a protester after a scuffle broke out between rival groups of students.” If an event does merit attention, why not accompany the article with a more positive image of the participants?


It is unfortunate that media coverage of demonstrations too often focuses on the counterdemonstrators, the scuffles, the police action, instead of on the majority who are trying to make a statement about their cause. Your photo drowns out and diminishes that statement.


Los Angeles
