
Laptop Computers for Every Schoolchild? What’s the Matter With Books?

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Gary Chapman is absolutely right that replacing textbooks with a laptop computer is “dangerous and foolish” as well as ridiculously expensive [“Push to Trade Class Textbooks for Laptop PCs Is a Misuse of Technology,” Digital Nation, June 15]. If students have “routine, easy and free” access to computers, they will learn the basics of computer operation, which is all they need. Current software will be archaic when they enter the work force. And books are much easier to learn from than a flickering screen that offers only one page at at time.

I cannot believe the stupidity of school districts that fall for this idea. I sincerely hope that every citizen who is interested in our children’s future speaks out to nip this idea in the bud.


Los Angeles


The state of Texas, cheered on by Newt Gingrich, wants to replace all schoolchildren’s textbooks with CDs, which will necessitate providing each student with a laptop computer.


Now, that’s a cost-effective idea. Next comes replacing all books with CDs. What a “Brave New World” scenario. What does “No Books Newt” suggest we do with the discarded books? How about burning them? That’s the obvious next step.


Professors Emeriti

Pierce College

Woodland Hills
