
Copper Curtain

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Re the copper curtain on the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza.

After long and serious thought, I have concluded that the only logical thing to do with the copper curtain is to:

1. Make a list of all public individuals (politicians, directors, social activists, social climbers, society wannabes, etc.).

2. Totally remove the curtain from the structure and have the artist beat the pieces into bright, shiny, copper-colored, tombstone-shaped pieces equal in number to that specified in item No. 1.


3. Clearly engrave the name of each person identified in item No. 1 on one of the bright, shiny copper-colored tombstones.

4. Rehang the bright, shiny, copper-colored tombstones where the curtain was hung so that all who drive by can laugh and point out to their children what kind of ninnies our electoral process can produce if you don’t pay attention.

5. Pay the artist more money. As best I can determine, in this entire fiasco, the artist was the only person with his head screwed on right.


6. Never, ever allow any politician--or, for that matter, anyone with an eye for the public limelight--to, under any circumstances whatsoever, have anything to do with public art.

DON M. SCOTT, Ventura
