
Ideal Candidate for the 46th

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* Re “Dornan May Split GOP’s Unity Rally,” June 20:

Wanted: An adult, thoughtful, responsible, cooperative Republican to run for the 46th Congressional seat. Prefer moderate, dedicated individual who will listen to their constituency and not use position to further their ego. If satisfactory candidate not recruited by November, will default to alternate party.

Signed, a weary registered Republican in the 46th District.


Garden Grove

* Now that Bob Dornan has easily dispatched the liberals thrown in his path in the primary by the GOP elites, it’ll be interesting to watch the general election as he fights to win back his seat from Loretta Sanchez.

Already the liberal haters are crawling out from under their rocks to drool their invective against Dornan. You can see them in the letters pages of all the local publications. They sniff defeat and they’re trying to do everything in their power to stop Dornan.


Come election, these voters can be expected to turn out in as much force as they did to pass Propositions 187, 209 and 227. These voters, as with the vast majority of voters across the nation, don’t want to see Cinco de Mayo replace the Fourth of July as our national holiday. They don’t want Spanish to supplant English. They don’t want the red, white and green to replace the red, white and blue. They don’t want California to be part of Mexico.


Costa Mesa

* If Tustin does not know what to do with their blimp hangars that they will be getting, maybe one of them can be used to house Dornan’s ego. Second thought: Is it big enough?


