
Water Hazards Not Finished After a Victory

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Winning isn’t everything, not if you win the Fijian Hotel Pro-Am, as Australian Brett Ogle did in 1986, according to Golf Digest.

“I was told I had to go to the swimming pool for the [trophy] presentation and was warned, ‘Don’t dress up.’

“I had to crawl across a wood log that had been placed end to end across the pool. Trouble was, it was greased up! My check was suspended in a plastic bag, pegged and dangling from a post.”


Ogle estimated he slid off the greasy log half a dozen times before making one wild swipe before grabbing the bag--and falling into the pool again.


Trivia time: What Angel hitter holds the team record for strikeouts in a season?


Rich get richer: Steve Rosenbloom in the Chicago Tribune: “Michael Jordan won the team three-point pool, beating Steve Kerr and Scott Burrell, 5-3, this postseason.

“Seven Bulls throw in $100 each, one shot after each shootaround on the morning of games, leader at the end of the playoffs takes the pot, and you know that Jordan demanded the cash the way he demands the ball.”



Dodger requiem: Thomas Boswell in the Washington Post: “For generations, the Dodgers have symbolized tradition, style and, since Jackie Robinson broke the color line in 1947, decency too.

“The way things are trending since Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. bought the team just three months ago, that legacy should be a faint memory by the turn of the century.

“In less than 100 days in the Murdoch empire, the meaning of ‘Dodger blue’ has changed. Now it’s a mood, not a color.”



Graf’s fan club: Police at Wimbledon say they are keeping an eye on a 35-year-old Egyptian who tossed candy at Steffi Graf after her first-round win.

The Daily Mail of London quoted the man, El Sayed Ali, as saying, “Steffi is the love of my life. I’m a single man and I’ve never married. There’s no room for another woman in my life.”

Not even for Natasha Zvereva, who beat Graf in the third round?


Nutrition note: Golfer John Daly, explaining his recent decision to switch from his longtime candy of choice, peanut M&Ms;: “I like Milk Duds because they take longer to eat.”

Looking back: On this day in 1939, the New York Yankees hit a doubleheader- record 13 home runs in a 23-1 and 10-0 sweep of the Philadelphia Athletics at Shibe Park.


Trivia answer: Reggie Jackson, 156 in 1982.


And finally: Greg Cote in the Miami Herald: “The NBA draft came and went Wednesday, and, darn it all, the Heat did not select the one player I thought it might: that Bakari kid from Gonzaga. Or was it that Gonzaga kid from Bakari?

“In any case the Heat finally did draft somebody--I believe it was Jack Gonnabecut from Dontmatter Tech--with the 51st overall pick.


Actually it was Corey Brewer, a defensively strong guard from Oklahoma. TNT analyst Hubie Brown called it a “solid selection,” analyst-speak for “doesn’t have a prayer.”
