
Van Nuys Airport

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Regarding the ongoing controversy about airport noise at Van Nuys Airport, I recently obtained a copy of a noise-abatement brochure from the airport manager’s office. It is titled, “Flying Friendly at Van Nuys Airport--It’s as Easy As 1, 2, 3.”

To quote from the flier: “The Van Nuys Airport has a Quiet Jet Departure Program to reduce noise in the local community. An important element of the program is a ‘letter of commitment’ in which jet operators agree to use quiet departure procedures:”

* Pilots will fly aircraft using noise-abatement techniques as outlined in manufacturers’ operating manuals or the National Business Aircraft Assn. Noise Abatement Program.


* Pilots will work to research complaints from local residents regarding individual flights and to encourage participation by other jet operators.

* Voluntary compliance will help forestall more drastic measures to reduce noise.

Since the Department of Airports and City Council are now attempting to bring in “more drastic measures” to reduce noise, one has the right to ask, “How did pilots at Van Nuys fail?”

It seems as though it was felt that a little honey and understanding would go further to pacify airport neighbors than a direct confrontation. But instead the honey and understanding only addicted the neighbors and increased their voracious appetite to complain.


Meanwhile the pilots wound up setting a Venus’ flytrap for themselves by submitting to a false promise, or even extortion, from airport management and the political community.


Legislative Chair, Aircraft

Pilots of the Bay Area Inc.

