
Civility Lacking in Civic Affairs

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Is there a requirement that elected and appointed officials pass a test to show they are emotional adults?

If you read Feb. 19 about the Santa Ana City Council (punch your opponent in the snoot) and the Fullerton School District, Feb. 13 (hug a kid, go to prison) the answer is no. Taking government seriously gets harder every day.


Seal Beach

* Editorial writers owe at least a modicum of accuracy (Feb. 23). Anyone who attends Santa Ana City Council meetings or watches them on the cable knows that Brett Franklin is a model of intelligent, urbane civility in every aspect of his behavior. On the other hand, Ted Moreno demonstrates the worst in emotional, demagogic bombast!


There is no mutuality in any incivility or immaturity demonstrated by the Santa Ana City Council. That all rests with Moreno.

You discount the witnesses by saying that they “have opposed Moreno in the past.” Two of those witnesses, another councilman and a local minister, are not known to be liars or perjurers. Their testimony cannot be discounted.

You also ignore the request by City Clerk Jan Guy for the police to protect her and her staff from Moreno. She is 59 years old. Do you think she needs to “grow up” too?


Your assertion that “the council has more important things to do than fight” begs the issue. This incident was not a fight. It was an attack which cannot be condoned or ignored.


Santa Ana

* While Santa Ana City Councilman Ted Moreno surely deserved to be upbraided by your editorial, his opposite on the City Council, Brett Franklin, did not deserve to be treated in that fashion without a closer look at his record.

Franklin reappointed me to the Library Board. I in turn have kept him informed about the activities of this city commission and other happenings in the area.


Franklin always returns my calls and is always a gentleman and a credit to the city of Santa Ana.

That Moreno stands accused of thuggery should come as no surprise to those of us who are active in Santa Ana. His actions have always been difficult to analyze and his motivations are rarely clear-cut. Half-Populist, half-curmudgeon, he has embarrassed himself and our city on many an occasion.

I am saddened by Moreno’s behavior, because along with Councilman Tony Espinoza and Mayor Miguel Pulido, he also represents the Hispanic residents of Santa Ana.

This is an immense responsibility and should not be taken lightly.

Our young people look to these councilmen for guidance and as such they have a responsibility to be good role models. If Moreno cannot make a point without violence, how can he in turn chastise a troubled youth for doing the same?


Santa Ana
