
Sewage Spill Responsibility

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Re “Thousand Oaks Sewage Spill,” Feb. 22 letter to the editor by Councilwoman Elois Zeanah.

A broken sewer pipe dumping raw sewage into our arroyo and it could have been prevented. This is the story.

Professional consultants in a public forum told Elois Zeanah that you do not use your health and safety utilities to control population or as a growth-control measure. State legislative authors were flown in to explain to Elois Zeanah how city fees are to be implemented between existing and future users. City staff, professionals in their field, were forced to review their statistics with regard to the waste water treatment plant upgrade, all for the convenience of Elois Zeanah.


Elois Zeanah even turned down compromises offered by the City Council majority, who understood the need to move forward on the project, yet she offered no alternative of her own.

All of this was done to appease Elois Zeanah and, in true form, she comes back with, “It’s not my fault.”

It is clear that too much money was spent on the most recent political battle in our town. It is also clear that the media focused more on the money spent in that campaign than it did on the issues. Elois Zeanah was going to be removed from office because of her dangerous and poor judgment with regard to the upgrade of the Hill Canyon sewer plant. She finally sided with the council majority when faced with her removal from office.


Today we have the same excellent upgrade plan that was first recommended by staff. The only difference now is that it came too late . . . and this is Elois Zeanah’s fault.


Thousand Oaks

Editor’s note: Turpel was a leader of last year’s campaign to recall Elois Zeanah.

* I gave Elois Zeanah the benefit of the doubt that she believed she was doing something good for Thousand Oaks even though all the experts told her she was wrong. But unless she steps up and takes responsibility for this terrible sewage spill, I don’t think she deserves our support in the future.

This spill was a direct result of her opposition to fixing the Hill Canyon Treatment Plant. Her arrogance and politically motivated votes on this issue have cost our city dearly.



Newbury Park
