
Yeltsin Restocks His Cabinet

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<i> Associated Press</i>

President Boris N. Yeltsin relieved the long-serving atomic energy minister of his duties Monday and named replacements for three other officials fired over the weekend.

The new appointments were designed to show Yeltsin is determined to remedy shortcomings in his administration, but the replacements he named were not very different from their predecessors. Prime Minister Viktor S. Chernomyrdin said that despite the reshuffle, “the course of government . . . is not changing and will not change,” the Interfax news agency said.

Yeltsin named the secretary of his Security Council, Ivan P. Rybkin, to be deputy prime minister in charge of relations with other former Soviet republics.


Yeltsin named Sergei Frank to be minister of transport and Alexander Tikhonov as minister of education.

No replacement was named for Atomic Energy Minister Viktor N. Mikhailov, who was relieved of his duties “to transfer to scientific work,” according to the presidential press office.
