
Multiculturalism and Bombing Iraq

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Re “Fragmentation of U.S. Dooms Clinton Policy,” Column Right, Feb. 26: The columns of James Pinkerton are always provocative and often on target when it comes to pinpointing the issues that divide the nation. He usually manages to present his views in a way that does not betray the underlying immorality of his ideological perspective.

But in writing, “An America that looks less like Western Europe and more like the Third World is going to find it harder to fight a war in the Third World,” he has blown his cover with stark candor. Is that really a bad thing, Mr. Pinkerton?


Coordinator, Latin American

Studies, Cal State Los Angeles


Was that Pinkerton or was it really Art Buchwald writing a parody of right-wing thinking? He blames U.S. multiculturalism for Clinton’s failure (so far) to bomb Iraq? Is there anything that conservatives won’t blame immigrants for? I’d like to think that even native-born Americans, like me, are capable of recognizing how preferable it is to relegate war to the foreign policy instrument of last resort.


If the U.S. really is more willing to try diplomacy before dropping bombs because of our immigrant population, then thank God for immigrants!


