
Only a Start

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I’m afraid that Fox’s expose of magician’s tricks (“What’s This Guy Got Up His Sleeve?,” March 3) is a mean trick in itself, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if Fox came up with a series of similar debunking programs, programs that are sorely needed to educate our paranormal-believing public?

Showing the tricks of the so-called psychics that daily con a large number people to part with their hard-earned money would be a good start. Exposing Uri Geller’s spoon-bending trick would be another good one. And how about astrology?

Given that a large part of the American public is made up of scientific illiterates (a recent National Science Foundation poll showed that 47% of the public was unaware that the Earth revolved around the sun once a year) such a series would be a real public service. It might even offset some of the damage Fox is doing with its “X-Files,” which promotes paranormal belief.



Huntington Beach
