
Study on Controversial Plan for Senior Center to Be Unveiled

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A two-month study of a proposal to build a senior citizens center in Wilmington is scheduled to be delivered Wednesday--in addition to an explanation for why Banning Park is a first choice for the site.

A community advisory committee appointed by harbor district Councilman Rudy Svorinich in January reviewed plans to build the $2.2-million center in addition to possible sites for the city-funded project. David Esparza, chairman of the committee, said the group looked at several possible locations, but Banning Park was favored most by residents. Additionally, he said the city owns the land making it a more cost effective location.

Some members of the community are opposed to the site. Frank O’Brien, of the Wilmington Citizens Committee, said the location is not appropriate. “This is a nationally listed historical resource that’s part of the beginnings of Los Angeles and the port,” O’Brien said. The meeting is at 5:30 p.m. at Wilmington Middle School, 1700 Gulf Ave.
