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Erika Schnicke, project coordinator:

“Heart of Yoga,” by T.K. Desikachar (Inner Traditions).

“Peace, power and clarity are what yoga teaches and what ancient societies used to keep their communities well. Yoga may be an ancient practice, but Desikachar shows how this wisdom is vitally applicable in our world.”


Alison Martino, television producer:


“Foods That Heal,” by Maureen Salaman (MKS).

“One-hundred and eight chapters on how to feel better by eating right: That’s what I like about this book. It helped me conquer my cravings for coffee and introduced me to an effective alternative to dieting. Food really is a medicine.”


Nikki Haskell, entrepreneur:

“King Con,” by Stephen J. Cannell (William Morrow).

“I can’t wait for the movie of this book. It’s the story of a woman prosecutor who’s trying to convict a mob family. She hooks up with a con man, and they pull off a double sting. Between them, though, the sparks really fly.”



Michael Levine, communications executive-author:

“Happiness Is A Serious Problem,” by Dennis Prager (HarperCollins).

“A cold shower of common sense. As an agent of reality, Prager has caused me to separate fun from happiness and recognize the importance of gratitude in fulfilling life.”
