
City Will Issue Bonds Worth $18.15 Million

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City officials have approved issuing revenue bonds that will provide at least $18.15 million for city construction projects, including the Police Department and library expansions.

Profits from the bond sale, officials said, will be divided for the following projects: $6.2 million to expand police headquarters on Commonwealth Avenue; $4.15 million to improve Hillcrest Park; $1.75 million to restore trails; $1.5 million to design and construct a museum plaza downtown; $1.5 million to reconstruct 225,000 square feet of damaged curbs, sidewalks and roadways; $1.5 million to upgrade Independence Park and $775,000 to expand the Fullerton Public Library children’s section. Remaining funds will be set aside for the library project if needed.

The projects are expected to be completed within the next three to five years, city officials said. The City Council this week approved the bonds on a 4 to 1 vote.


“This is the way to go,” Councilman F. Richard Jones said about the bonds. “It’s a relatively painless way to get the things that we’ve identified we need with a very minimal risk.”

A number of residents applauded the council’s decision, saying the projects are badly needed. A few people, however, had urged the council to let voters decide whether to issue the bonds. Councilman Chris Norby, who cast the dissenting vote, said he too wanted to let voters decide.

By issuing the bonds, the city essentially is borrowing nearly $20 million that will be paid back over decades.
