
Council Overrules Panel, Bans Alcohol, Tobacco Billboards

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Overturning a recommendation made by the Planning Commission last month, the City Council has unanimously approved an ordinance banning all alcohol and tobacco advertisements on billboards within the city limits.

Last month, despite pleas from residents and activists for a total ban, the Planning Commission approved an ordinance allowing the billboards within the city limits if they are in a commercial zone and more than 1,000 feet from schools, parks, playgrounds and child care centers.

Council members overruled that decision 4 to 0 Tuesday, saying that they want to stand behind the residents. Councilwoman Loralie Olaes was absent.


“This is something the community really wanted,” said Mayor Pete Fajardo. “This is for young kids. . . . It’s preventing them from becoming exposed and addicted to alcohol and tobacco at a very tender age.”

The Black Women’s Media Project, which led a successful drive for a citywide ban on alcohol and tobacco billboards in Compton last year--the first in the state--launched a campaign last month for a similar law in Carson.

The group collected 500 postcards from residents who favored the ban.

“We have tried to convey that 1,000 feet isn’t enough because children travel farther than that to get to school,” said Kris Bailey, project director. “The community got that message and rose to the occasion, and we’re thrilled about that.”
