
Deaf Teenager Finds Good Vibrations With Pacoima Drill Team

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Charleen Brown got hooked on dancing at age 6, when she began to improvise tap routines.

The self-taught hoofer is now a proud member of the Ladies First & II Hype Dance, Drill and Gospel Team at Pacoima Community Youth Culture Center, where she’ll spend the summer perfecting her high kicks with the award-winning team.

Unlike her teammates, Charleen, who is deaf, can stay in sync without hearing the music.

“I feel the vibes,” Charleen said through an interpreter. “I just love to dance and can feel the drumbeat.”

The 17-year-old was asked to join the drill team after coach Vickie Johnson spotted the Birmingham High School junior dancing and saw some potential. Charleen has shown up twice a week at the center ever since, where she and her teammates are rehearsing for a major competition in Las Vegas in August.


Although the youth center may have achieved fame from its noted drill team, Charleen and her friends will find plenty of other reasons to sign up for summer day camp this year.

The center--funded primarily by Los Angeles County’s Community Development Commission--is planning summer trips to area museums, the beach, the theater and Magic Mountain, each for a nominal fee. The on-site day camp is free.

A new learning center will offer computer instruction to children and adults, who can also take karate and wrestling classes.


“There is something for everybody here,” youth center Executive Director Connie Taylor-Broadous said. “Our theme is, ‘Love grows here.’ We treat our kids like they’re family.”

Charleen, who is able to communicate in sign language with a couple of drill team members, is the first to agree.

“I love everything about it there.”


Wish List

Pacoima Community Youth Culture Center

(818) 896-8878

* Math and phonics books: $100

* Portable chalkboard: $100

* Equipment for hearing impaired: $70

* Arts and crafts supplies: $15

* Gift certificates for books and music: $10-$50

* Board games: $15
