
Fuji Spot Isn’t the Picture of Everyday Life

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Advertiser: Fuji Photo Film, USA

Agency: Angotti Thomas Hedge, New York

Challenge: Communicate that Fuji means more than film with spots that not only pitch the product but show how it can fit into consumers’ everyday lives.

The Ad: People surrounded by Day-Glo hues playfully demonstrate the Fuji MX-700 digital camera, the 3500ix zoom camera and its film. In one vignette, the remote control function on the zoom camera allows Dad to get into the family photo as the narrator says, “There’ll come a day when you can take your own sweet time getting into a photograph.” In the second vignette, a vacationing couple use a digital camera to send photos to friends via the Internet. In the final scene, photos of graying cousin Minnie shot with Fuji film reveal she isn’t 29. The spot ends with the narrator concluding, “Three reasons why that day is today.”

Comment: The ad demonstrates key features of Fuji cameras and film--but not in everyday situations. Polaroid achieves this goal better in its “See what develops” campaign from San Francisco-based Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. But even that much-lauded campaign hasn’t convinced many consumers to fit cameras into their daily routine. $$
