
Please Read Him Religiously

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Contrary to a prior letter writer’s opinion, I find Grahame Jones to be an excellent soccer writer. Face it, Americans are generally soccer-illiterate, and Jones fills the void. I’ve learned more about the “most popular sport in the world” from reading Grahame than I learned about my religion in six years of Hebrew school.

ETHAN FINGEROTE, Spring Valley Lake, Calif.


KLAX management reviewed the small item in Grahame Jones’ May 3 column regarding our event at the Coliseum for Cinco de Mayo and we are not pleased.

This is the third time in two years that KLAX has held an event of this magnitude at the Coliseum. We have experience in presenting and ticketing such events, we know our audience well and are aware of the percentage of people who actually attend from our ticket distribution. Our station draws the right kind of numbers to fill this event nicely.


The family-oriented day of free entertainment and sports went off without any problems and no police assistance was necessary. Apparently, KLAX did “show more sense” than you gave us credit for. Soccer did not “sustain another black eye” as you predicted.

EDDUARDO CANCELA, Vice President/General Manager, KLAX-FM
