
Philippine Hospital Fire Kills 10

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<i> Associated Press</i>

Flames swept through a hospital in the Philippine capital on Saturday, killing at least 10 people, authorities said. Twelve patients were trapped in two intensive care units and presumed dead.

Ten bodies were recovered from the Lung Center of the Philippines, where the fire erupted in the early morning, engulfing much of the hospital in smoke and flames.

Several of those killed were on respirators that failed when the electricity went out, Health Secretary Carmencita Reodica said. Others were badly burned.


The fire also spread to portions of the adjoining National Kidney and Transplant Institute, forcing an evacuation of that hospital as well. At least five patients jumped from the second floor to a palm tree and slid down to safety.

A total of 170 patients and an undetermined number of relatives were in the three-story Lung Center when the fire broke out, officials said. The cause of the fire was not immediately known.

Firefighters attempted to reach the intensive care units but were blocked by heavy smoke, heat and burning debris, officials said.
