
Tobacco Settlement With Minnesota

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I wish to applaud the state of Minnesota and Atty. Gen. Hubert H. Humphrey III for the agreement reached with the tobacco companies (May 9). For years the tobacco companies claimed cigarettes were not harmful to health. Their secret documents admit otherwise, and they have known it for many years. Tobacco spokesmen testified before Congress that they did not manipulate the nicotine in their products to make it more addictive. Their secret documents admit otherwise. They have claimed repeatedly that they have never targeted our children to entice them to smoke. Their recently exposed secret documents have proved this to be the most shameful lie of all. What about their plans to destroy documents, and the attempts by lawyers to control research?

Companies that resort to these tactics deserve no compromises from the states or federal government. It is amazing to hear spokespersons for Big Tobacco saying how they feel sorry for the American smoker because the cost of cigarettes will go up under the proposed congressional bill. I wonder if they feel as sorry for the many thousands who die each year from their dangerous product.

Let’s move forward and enact tough legislation. It is only fair that the cigarette companies help pay for the illness that they knowingly sold to the public. Any compromise would enable them to continue to do what they have been doing.





Where’s California’s money? Humphrey sued the tobacco companies and won $6.6 billion for his state. Texas and Florida settled for $15.3 billion and $11.3 billion. Yet the nation’s most populous state, with the most smokers, has not received a dime from Big Tobacco. Why is that?

Because California Atty. Gen. Dan Lungren delayed suing his former campaign contributors from Big Tobacco. Now this guy wants to be governor? No thanks! We don’t need Gov. Joe Camel in this state!


Los Angeles
