
Prop. 226 and Workers’ Rights

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I guess The Times would rather leave labor’s political power in the hands of union bosses rather than with rank-and-file members by opposing Prop. 226 (editorial, May 17). Union members all over California want the right to choose whether or not to spend their money on political campaigns. Prop. 226 will empower workers by giving them a voice in the political process. It will force union bosses to be more accountable to their members.

Opponents are spending millions in unapproved members’ dues to engage in a dishonest, negative and deceitful campaign against Prop. 226. They will do and say anything simply to deny members the choice of whether or not to spend a portion of their dues on political campaigns. They are funding out-of-state phone banks calling California voters and lying to them about the initiative. John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, has charged each of his 13 million members $1 to fight paycheck protection for workers. Hundreds of paid political operatives are covering the state to campaign against Prop. 226.

This initiative is about fairness. It is morally wrong to force dues or pay for politics someone disagrees with. Workers should not have to quit their union just to keep the political portion of their dues. Prop. 226 is about giving individuals the freedom to support the candidate or initiative of choice.



Co-author, Prop. 226

