
7 Men Posing as Police Rob Residents of House

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Seven men posing as police officers forced their way into a Lynwood home at gunpoint Thursday night, handcuffed some of the residents and fled with $5,000 worth of cash and jewelry, a sheriff’s spokesman said Friday.

None of the seven victims needed medical attention after the men ransacked the home shortly after 11:30 p.m., wielding revolvers and shouting, “Be quiet or we’ll kill you,” said Detective Sgt. John Stedman.

The men, dressed in black and green police-style “raid” jackets and baseball caps, hit one of the residents over the head as he was putting away tools outside his house in the 3500 block of Virginia Avenue, Stedman said.


The robbers forced the man inside and handcuffed five people, leaving only a toddler and an elderly woman unbound, Stedman said. The robbers fled about 15 minutes later in a black mid-1980s Ford van.

Anyone with information is urged to call the sheriff’s Century Station at (310) 537-6111.
