
Chicken on the Grapes

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DEAR SOS: I dined at Koo Koo Roo and loved its new chicken salad with fruit, nuts and balsamic vinegar. I would be most grateful for the recipe.


Los Angeles

DEAR JENNIFER: We nearly fell over when we found a fax with the recipe you requested from Koo Koo Roo. Most chain operations are reluctant to part with their trade secrets. According to the Koo Koo Roo people, the salad is special because “it holds the mayo and uses fruits, nuts and balsamic vinegar to create a fresh and tasty entree for all occasions.” Need we say more?

Koo Koo Roo Roasted Chicken Salad

Total Preparation Time: 12 minutes * Active Work Time: 12 minutes * Easy

For a sandwich, place the chicken salad on a French roll with lettuce and tomato. Or serve the salad by itself on a platter. Garnish with fruit of your choice (grapes, melon, kiwi, berries or other).


1 roasted chicken

14 to 16 red seedless grapes

2 stalks celery

1 cup sliced, toasted almonds

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup olive oil

Salt, pepper

Remove bone, gristle, fat and skin from chicken and shred into approximately 2-inch strips. Place chicken in large mixing bowl. You should have about 1 1/2 pounds of chicken meat.

Wash and quarter grapes (should total about 1 cup) and add to chicken. Dice celery (should total about 1 cup) and add to grapes. Add almonds, vinegar, olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and chill until ready to serve.

3 to 4 servings. Each of 4 servings: 561 calories, 629 mg sodium, 115 mg cholesterol, 40 grams fat, 124 grams carbohydrates, 41 grams protein, 1.3 grams fiber.
