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How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Gray Davis(D) 4,305,746 58 Dan Lungren(R) 2,842,173 38 Dan Hamburg(G) 92,613 1 Steve W. Kubby(L) 65,113 1 Gloria E. LaRiva(P) 52,218 1 Nathan E. Johnson(A) 33,760 0 Harold H. Bloomfield(N) 27,267 0


How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Dan Lungren(R) 328,038 52 Gray Davis(D) 280,313 45 Dan Hamburg(G) 5,933 1 Steve W. Kubby(L) 5,825 1 Gloria E. LaRiva(P) 3,671 1 Nathan E. Johnson(A) 2,580 0 Harold H. Bloomfield(N) 2,431 0



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Barbara Boxer*(D) 3,910,981 53 Matt Fong(R) 3,154,036 43 Ted Brown(L) 84,453 1 Timothy R. Erich(M) 73,540 1 H. Joseph Perrin(A) 49,230 1 Ophie C. Beltran(P) 43,668 1 Brian M. Rees(N) 41,505 1



How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Matt Fong(R) 355,064 57 Barbara Boxer*(D) 243,917 39 Ted Brown(L) 7,861 1 Timothy R. Erich(M) 6,901 1 H. Joseph Perrin(A) 4,709 1 Brian M. Rees(N) 3,603 1 Ophie C. Beltran(P) 3,423 1



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Cruz M. Bustamante(D) 3,806,737 53 Tim Leslie(R) 2,787,321 39 Sara Amir(G) 218,994 3 Thomas M. Tryon(L) 148,949 2 Jaime L. Gomez(P) 99,350 1 George M. McCoy(A) 83,463 1 James J. Mangia(M) 66,087 1


How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Tim Leslie(R) 323,984 53 Cruz M. Bustamante(D) 241,066 39 Thomas M. Tryon(L) 13,593 2 Sara Amir(G) 12,750 2 Jaime L. Gomez(P) 7,729 1 George M. McCoy(A) 7,498 1 James J. Mangia(M) 5,676 1




How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Bill Jones*(R) 3,340,005 47 Michela Alioto(D) 3,281,496 46 Gail K. Lightfoot(L) 194,829 3 Jane A. Bialosky(N) 92,870 1 Carolyn R. Short(A) 90,323 1 Israel Feuer(P) 70,436 1 Valli Sharpe-Geisler(M) 65,093 1


How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Bill Jones*(R) 367,824 61 Michela Alioto(D) 193,315 32 Gail K. Lightfoot(L) 17,893 3 Jane A. Bialosky(N) 8,447 1 Carolyn R. Short(A) 7,458 1 Valli Sharpe-Geisler(M) 5,588 1 Israel Feuer(P) 4,848 1



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Kathleen Connell*(D) 4,316,693 61 Ruben Barrales(R) 2,344,805 33 Pamela J. Pescosolido(L) 131,495 2 Alfred L. Burgess(A) 98,174 1 Denise L. Jackson(M) 89,687 1 C.T. Weber(P) 61,268 1 Iris Adam(N) 45,831 1



How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Kathleen Connell*(D) 292,392 49 Ruben Barrales(R) 264,131 44 Pamela J. Pescosolido(L) 12,647 2 Alfred L. Burgess(A) 9,492 2 Denise L. Jackson(M) 7,454 1 Iris Adam(N) 4,490 1 C.T. Weber(P) 4,241 1



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Phil Angelides(D) 3,696,494 53 Curt Pringle(R) 2,788,826 40 Jon Petersen(L) 163,983 2 Carlos Aguirre(N) 156,920 2 Jan B. Tucker(P) 131,141 2 Edmon V. Kaiser(A) 82,631 1


How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Curt Pringle(R) 323,561 54 Phil Angelides(D) 228,311 38 Jon Petersen(L) 15,600 3 Carlos Aguirre(N) 11,597 2 Jan B. Tucker(P) 9,170 2 Edmon V. Kaiser(A) 7,351 1



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Bill Lockyer(D) 3,659,013 52 Dave Stirling(R) 2,992,586 42 Diane B. Templin(A) 171,671 2 Joseph S. Farina(L) 134,588 2 Robert J. Evans(P) 130,223 2


How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Dave Stirling(R) 337,776 57 Bill Lockyer(D) 224,579 38 Diane B. Templin(A) 14,797 2 Joseph S. Farina(L) 11,785 2 Robert J. Evans(P) 8,828 1



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Chuck Quackenbush*(R) 3,540,537 50 Diane Martinez(D) 3,125,378 44 Dale F. Ogden(L) 150,514 2 Barbara Bourdette(N) 116,674 2 Gary R. Ramos(P) 105,257 1 Merton D. Short(A) 83,331 1



How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Chuck Quackenbush*(R) 399,259 66 Diane Martinez(D) 172,973 28 Dale F. Ogden(L) 13,110 2 Barbara Bourdette(N) 9,321 2 Merton D. Short(A) 7,737 1 Gary R. Ramos(P) 6,273 1



How California Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Delaine Eastin* 3,349,845 53 Gloria M. Tuchman 2,917,071 47


How Orange County Voted


100% Precincts Reporting Votes % Gloria M. Tuchman 288,384 55 Delaine Eastin* 233,864 45



How California Voted

1--Property Taxes: Contaminated Property.

How California Voted

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

1--Property Taxes: Contaminated Property.

Yes: 4,726,350 (71%)

No: 1,968,346 (29%)

2--Transportation: Funding.

Yes: 4,864,838 (75%)

No: 1,631,931 (25%)

3--Partisan Presidential Primary Elections.

Yes: 3,029,233 (46%)

No: 3,549,187 (54%)

4--Trapping Practices. Bans Use of Specified Traps and Animal Poisons.

Yes: 3,973,868 (57%)

No: 2,949,660 (43%)

5--Tribal-State Gaming Compacts. Tribal Casinos.

Yes: 4,518,824 (63%)

No: 2,709,986 (37%)

6--Criminal Law. Prohibition on Slaughter of Horses and Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption.

Yes: 4,133,446 (59%)

No: 2,836,387 (41%)

7--Air Quality Improvement. Tax Credits.

Yes: 2,928,959 (43%)

No: 3,807,426 (57%)

8--Public Schools. Permanent Class Size Reduction. Parent-Teacher Councils. Teacher Credentialing. Pupil Suspension for Drug Possession. Chief Inspector’s Office.

Yes: 2,584,710 (37%)

No: 4,417,215 (63%)

9--Electric Utilities. Assessments. Bonds.

Yes: 1,832,423 (27%)

No: 5,060,196 (73%)

10--State and County Early Childhood Development Programs. Additional Tobacco Surtax.

Yes: 3,550,483 (50%)

No: 3,537,269 (50%)

11--Local Sales and Use Taxes--Revenue Sharing.

Yes: 3,439,333 (53%)

No: 3,049,134 (47%)

1A--Class Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1998

Yes: 4,318,508 (62%)

No: 2,605,477 (38%)

How Orange County Voted

100% Precints Reporting: Votes (%%)

1--Property Taxes: Contaminated Property.

Yes: 413,989 (71%)

No: 166,099 (29%)

2--Transportation: Funding.

Yes: 412,548 (73%)

No: 151,686 (27%)

3--Partisan Presidential Primary Elections.

Yes: 281,642 (49%)

No: 288,017 (51%)

4--Trapping Practices. Bans Use of Specified Traps and Animal Poisons.

Yes: 317,564 (53%)

No: 279,975 (47%)

5--Tribal-State Gaming Compacts. Tribal Casinos.

Yes: 367,425 (60%)

No: 245,573 (40%)

6--Criminal Law. Prohibition on Slaughter of Horses and Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption.


Yes: 346,516 (58%)

No: 246,797 (42%)

7--Air Quality Improvement. Tax Credits.

Yes: 247,220 (43%)

No: 325,340 (57%)

8--Public Schools. Permanent Class Size Reduction. Parent-Teacher Councils. Teacher Credentialing. Pupil Suspension for Drug Possession. Chief Inspector’s Office.

Yes: 220,382 (37%)

No: 377,937 (63%)

9--Electric Utilities. Assessments. Bonds.

Yes: 141,050 (24%)

No: 452,553 (76%)

10--State and County Early Childhood Development Programs. Additional Tobacco Surtax.

Yes: 302,718 (49%)

No: 309,372 (51%)

11--Local Sales and Use Taxes--Revenue Sharing.

Yes: 283,736 (50%)

No: 278,715 (50%)

1A--Class Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1998%)

Yes: 337,559 (56%)

No: 263,404 (44%)

Key to Election Tables

* An asterisk (*) denotes an incumbent candidate

* Elected candidates and approved measures--or those leading with 99% of precincts reporting--are in bold type. Results are not official and could be affected by absentee ballots.

* Uncontested local offices and write-in candidates are not included in the tables

* Party affiliation is indicated in parentheses:

(A) American Independent

(D) Democrat

(G) Green

(I) Independent

(L) Libertarian

(M) Reform

(N) Natural Law

(P) Peace and Freedom

(R) Republican

* 0% indicates information was unavailable at edition time or only absentee ballots had been counted.

* District locations are identified by county. In Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura counties, they are identified by community.

Contributing to The Times’ election coverage:

* Technical assistance: Victor I. Pulver, Stephen Bergens, Dony Hu and Martin Leadman.

* Compiled by: Times editorial researchers Nona Yates and Tracy Thomas.

Sources: Election returns provided by California Secretary of State and county registrars of voters.
