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Alicia Dwyer, documentary filmmaker:

“The Arab World” by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea and Robert A. Fernea (Doubleday).

“I love the contrast between the intimate and the social science in this book. Both the personal and contextual sections are well-written thoughtful views into a world so often demonized and so little understood by the West.”


Addie Bua, marketing executive:


“Zen and the Art of Murder” by Elizabeth Cosin (St. Martin’s).

“Cosin has created a gripping story based on a hip, no-nonsense female detective, Zen Moses. She uncovers her cousin’s body in a Los Angeles pub a dozen years after his supposed death. It’s a wild ride as Zen tries to solve this unusual mystery.”


Chiara DiGeronimo, music marketing executive:

“Buffalo Woman Comes Singing” by Brooke Medicine Eagle (Ballantine).

“Drawing upon Native American stories and ceremonies, the book integrates ancient wisdom with Medicine Eagle’s contemporary experiences. The outcome is a powerful and inspiring guide.”



Ofelia Bellosa, housekeeper:

“The Bible.”

“Me gusta leer la Biblia diariamente porque eso me ayuda a memorizar varios pasajes. Ese conocimiento me ayuda a interesar a otras personas a leer la Biblia. Como nos dice Juan, 17:3 conocer la Biblia nos trae la vida eterna.”
