
The Unborn Don’t Count in Car Pool

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Dear Traffic Talk:

My wife is five months pregnant and I was wondering if she is allowed to drive in the carpool lane?

Tom Redecker


Dear Tom:

No. Only vehicles with two or more occupants riding in individual seats are allowed to use the carpool lanes, said Margie Tiritilli, a Caltrans spokeswoman.

The only exception is on the San Bernardino Freeway, also known as the El Monte Bus Way, where vehicles must have a minimum of three occupants to use the carpool lanes, Tiritilli said.



Dear Traffic Talk:

I particularly enjoy your column. I find it very informative and educational. I have a question regarding the placement of speed limit signs, specifically on Old Sepulveda Road between Ventura and Mulholland. In general, I wanted to know if there is a rule in the city of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County or statewide on the minimum or maximum distance between speed limit signs.

Mark Nooger


Dear Mark:

The Los Angeles Department of Transportation follows the Caltrans recommendation of placing speed limit signs at half-mile intervals, said Jim Sherman, the department’s principal transportation engineer.

Several factors go into determining the distance between signs, he said, including population density and traffic flow.



Dear Traffic Talk:

I’m a student at Pepperdine University. I recently was cited for non-registration of my license. I’m a resident of another state. I went to court and they didn’t hear any evidence regarding my out-of-state residency. They slapped me with a $250 fine. As a student, I can’t pay that. I was wondering how I go about appealing a traffic court decision.

Randall Swanson


Dear Randall:

State law stipulates that residents of other states who relocate here must register their vehicles with the state Department of Motor Vehicles within 20 days.

Motorists can inform the Municipal Court judge who imposes a fine of their inability to pay. Most likely, the judge will instead require them to perform community service, said Susan Given, deputy clerk for Malibu Municipal Court, which oversees the Calabasas Traffic Division.



Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. To record your comments, call (818) 772-3303. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to
