
Ancient Manuscripts to Be Digitally Copied

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More than 22,000 ancient manuscripts from the archives of a Greek Orthodox monastery at Mt. Athos in Thessaloniki, Greece, will be digitally copied by the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center at Claremont Graduate University.

The center, which said it pioneered the use of digital imaging technologies on the deteriorated Dead Sea Scrolls, reached agreement with the Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies in Greece to undertake the project.

The library includes rare manuscripts, including intricate illuminations and priceless artwork. For a thousand years the monks of Mt. Athos have guarded the manuscripts, which are considered to be essential sources for scholars interested in Christian, Jewish and Byzantine history, as well as art history, music history and the classics.


The agreement is to be announced officially Wednesday during a reception at the Claremont School of Theology.
