
Congress’ Popularity Dropping, Poll Finds

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Associated Press

Most Americans can’t single out any one accomplishment of the just-ending Republican-controlled Congress, and the lawmakers’ overall job approval is sinking, according to a poll released Thursday.

Approval of Congress has dropped to 43% from a high of 56% in September as much attention has been focused on lawmakers’ dealings with allegations against President Clinton by independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr. Forty-eight percent of the public disapproves of the job Congress is doing, according to the CBS/New York Times poll, conducted before the budget agreement was announced Thursday.

Asked if there was any one thing Congress had done that stood out in their minds, 56% either said they didn’t know or gave no answer and 16% said there was nothing. An additional 16% mentioned the impeachment inquiry and 12% noted other things.


The president’s job approval is at 63%. The poll of 926 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
