
Matt Fong

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Re “Fong for the Senate,” editorial, Oct. 25: You characterize Matt Fong as a “low-key Republican moderate,” also stating that he supports a woman’s right to a first-trimester abortion. Fong’s money is then literally not where his mouth is. Anyone who donates $50,000 to the Traditional Values Coalition, a conservative religious group that lobbies lawmakers to outlaw abortion and block equal-rights laws for gays and lesbians, loses the right to claim he’s a moderate (Oct. 25, 26).

Fong has accused his opponent [incumbent Sen.] Barbara Boxer of “not telling the truth” when she indicates he is anti-abortion. He has stated that he does not believe in discrimination against gays and lesbians. Making his largest donation to a right-wing extremist group such as TVC is irrefutable proof of Fong’s true stand on these issues, and a clear indication of his willingness to mislead the voting public.


Laguna Beach


I am angered and saddened by your endorsement of Fong. Fong may, indeed, be a very good man and a thoughtful, moderate Republican; he does not, however, have experience in Washington and is all too likely to be swept up into the right-wing pressure group’s agenda. In this election, a vote for Fong is a vote for impeachment of the president, a vote for the sneer-jeer-smear conservative faction, a vote for government by sneering, calumny, defamation and vilification. It is a vote for the morals of the religious right, who strain the gnat and swallow the camel--big time.


Boxer is not perfect, but she is a courageous advocate for all the women, children, teachers and working people of California. Shame on The Times for selling us out!


Los Angeles


I am appalled that The Times could recommend Fong. The Times states that it “dares to ask for more in a U.S. senator.” I find it hard to fathom that Fong is the leader you suggest. Fong has never held a legislative position and although his poise before the cameras may have improved, his political ideology hasn’t. Irrespective of attempts to portray himself as a moderate, Fong is an extremist right-wing candidate who is out of step with mainstream Californians on every important issue.

Does The Times truly “dare” to ask for a leader who believes in limiting a woman’s right to choose, building a nuclear waste dump at Ward Valley and making cheap guns readily available for criminals?



Los Angeles


How can you endorse potential over experience? Boxer is the perfect junior senator; passionate, caring and loyal. She is learning how to use her office to help the people of California grow and prosper in this and the next century. She must often defer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who is more interested in economic and trade issues than social issues. This is a perfect match.

In endorsing Fong, you have completely missed the obvious. We don’t need Fong and Feinstein working at cross purposes, causing more gridlock and hurting all of us. We need Sen. Boxer.


