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In reference to your Aug. 28 story about the Legislature outlawing any denial of labor pain relief: This all can be traced back to a few years ago, when MediCal wanted to improve pregnancy care from the awful system of using only county hospitals. Officials improved reimbursement rates to hospitals and obstetricians; access to better care happened! They sort of forgot about anesthesia. It would seem appropriate to also provide reasonable anesthesia reimbursement as the way to fix the recurring problems of access to labor pain relief. But the quick fix will prevail--force them to do it or else (or mandate hospitals to provide the care and they will be the enforcers).

Do not misinterpret my position. I really enjoy providing labor pain relief, I do not ask about insurance before placing an epidural. It is an entirely different matter to be told to provide humanitarian help (yes, rates are pretty low). Imagine if, at your place of work, you were told that one day a week, you will work for less than minimum wages or else. Expect more turmoil than a cure from this legislation.


Santa Barbara
