
Destination: Delivery / A Road Map Through Pregnancy

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Dear Readers,

There may be no other period in life when a woman is so universally consumed with her health than during pregnancy. Thus, this month, we honor pregnancy with a special section filled with the latest news and philosophies on the topic, followed by occasional articles throughout the month.

Later this month, Times staff writer Connie Koenenn has some great tips for parents-to-be on how to find a pediatrician. We’ll also offer a look at smoking and pregnancy, how to minimize birth defects, and an explanation of those bizarre dreams during pregnancy.

So, be obsessed with your health during pregnancy, but don’t stop after your baby is born. Your little bundle will need healthy parents for years to come.


Best wishes to all expectant moms and dads.

Shari Roan

Editor, Destination: Delivery
