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New Recruits

The Los Angeles Fire Department is preparing to train its first batch of new recruits since the City Council criticized the department in 1995 for creating a hostile work environment for minorities and failing to promote them at rates comparable to whites. Fire officials have new guidelines to promote quality, diversity and fairness.


Out of hundreds of applicants only 45 passed the Fire Department’s rigorous physical exam and interview process and signed on. They will go to the department’s new training academy Tuesday. “About 76% of the new class are minorities,” said Battalion Chief John Miller, the recruiting commander. However, only two of the new recruits are women, he said.

Fresh Skills

New recruits will train for 10 months, learning skills like carrying ladders, driving firetrucks and treating victims in emergencies. A third of all new city firefighters usually drop out by the end of their 14-week probationary period, Miller said.


More to Come

Because of a three-year hiring freeze and current attrition rates, Miller said the department must hire 1,200 firefighters over the next decade to maintain adequate staffing. The only alternative is to pay firefighters expensive overtime wages.
