
Record FloodsThe calamitous flooding across a vast...

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Record Floods

The calamitous flooding across a vast area of the Indian subcontinent became more dire as monsoon rains battered the region and caused over-flowing rivers to engulf area previously unaffected by the worst summer flooding in history. Swollen rivers across eastern India and Bangladesh were still rising and posing even further threats to millions of residents weary of more than two months of incessant inundations. The massive floods have inflicted damage across both countries and and more than 14 million people have been displaced by rising waters. Although floods regularly ravage the region, this year they have swamped vast areas many miles from the usual course of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and tributaries.


Several regions of southern Italy were rocked Wednesday afternoon by a powerful temblor that killed two people and damaged numerous buildings. The quake struck near the regional capital of Potenza and was felt from Naples to Calabria at the southern tip of the mainland.

Tropical Storms

Torrential rains and severe thunderstorms associated with developing Tropical Storm Javier unleashed flash flooding across southern Mexico on Tuesday that killed at least 31 people. Swollen rivers churning with mud and debris swept away houses, bridges and huge trees from Chiapas state in the south to the Campeche along the Gulf Coast. Tropical Storm Frances drenched the Texas coast with more than five inches of rainfall.



White Island volcano in New Zealand’s Bay of Plenty quieted down after several days in which eruptions made the island look like it was “hit by a nuclear bomb,” according to one tour boat operator. In Mexico, Popocatepetl produced another smoky eruption that sent a plume of ash soaring high above the suburbs of Mexico City. The Stromboli volcano, located just north of Sicily, caused tourists to scurry down its slopes to safety as an exploding lava dome produced a rain of incandescent rocks over the volcanic island.

Monarch Threat

Poisonous caterpillars in an important preserve for the migrating monarch butterfly in west-central Mexico threaten to destroy part of the winter habitat of the distinctive butterflies. The plague began more than a month ago and has affected about 1,500 trees along the border between the staes of Michoacan and Mexico where the monarchs are due to arrive next month. Nearly 20% of the trees in the preserve have already been killed. The Environment Ministry plans to fumigate the forests before the butterflies arrive and to replant the affected trees.

Additional Sources: U.S. Climate Analysis Center, U.S. Earthquake Information Center and the World Meterorlogical Organization
